Monday 20 February 2012

nonsense just pure nonsense

sun starting to come up and all i can think about is the burning cigarette in my left hand and why it has to end take a sip of my coffee black wishing both were endless salvation lies within these hands this moment is me this feeling is worthless 5 minutes and they both will be gone but for now this is what matters this is the epitome of me the warmth from the smoke and the coffee create a monster i can breathe fire take a drag exhale fire take a sip exhale life 15 minutes is all i need right now this is important.
this shit will kill

Saturday 18 February 2012

nonsense from the heart

4 days off and i have nothing to say for them, well thats not entirely true its family day weekend and my daughter has been in a good mood so i guess thats what can be said the little things knowing whenj i wake up in the morning shes gunna be there waiting for me with a huge smile and a daddy! i tell you this nothing beats being a dad so for this family day weekend instead oif ranting i found a nice poem.
born with a heart, a heart that beats
love is a heart a heart that beats
when the day is long, my heart still beats
when ive grown tired and weiry my heart still beats
when the world feels against me and everything is falling apart my heart still beats
and on the day i die my heart will still beat
beat beat beat and every beat is for you and your mom
my heart beats even from the start for you.

Sunday 12 February 2012

nonsense on political nonsense

when i hear the words Stephen and Harper put together it means next to nothing to me, I've decided that doesn't sit right and i believe i am part of the problem. without an informed point of view on our current government how are we supposed to vote for our future how are we supposed to have a proper perspective on the world we live in well our opinion counts for nothing when its based on speculation so i spent the last hour trying to find out just exactly what Stephen Harper stands for and who's running our country and really all i have encountered is he sucks with people and is very secretive and thinks marijuana is bad.... i googled everything from Stephen Harper's policy's to why does everyone hate Stephen Harper and that's really all i found so i guess i am stuck wondering and left to the bias television news to base my real opinion on. with Stephen Harper being the only prime minister to ever be found in contempt of parliament why exactly is he still the pm why is that he stated before he was in office that he believes in and will have a transparent government but will only allow select few reporters whom he chooses to ask him questions and dodges everything else. i guess its not lying if you just don't tell anyone whats going on and what your doing with our tax money.

Saturday 11 February 2012

nonsense from the nonsense makers

elderly abuse, animal cruelty, the human condition is in rapid decline. when did we first start thinking it was alright to own an animal or a human for that matter no matter how much you may love or take care of an animal it is not natural by any means to have them captive in your home or zoo or whatever the captivity situation might be, that's not to say i am not a pet owner but sometimes it gets to me. some people believe it is a right much like having children which i think many can agree is not a right and many many should not be able to but that's besides today's rant. i heard a story about someone i know who currently has 7 cats locked in there basement and 4 dogs all of which are not cleaned up after this i believe is a clear indication and example of just what is wrong with society greed and obsession with power whether it be over a pet or your office obsession  and greed will be the complete down fall of our society which is already degrading at such a rapid pace but i cant be alone with noticing the lack of attention being paid to the bigger picture there is little to no news coverage or anything other than war or murder or Petty little stories about what celebrity has died or broke up. they say that the earth is heating at about 3 degrees a year *not an absolute fact but i have heard nothing about this or about the haarp experiments that have been on going i found out about those on fucking you tube so for now stay aware stay alert and be proactive read and question everything.

Friday 10 February 2012

Nonsense from a hypocrit

Is the work place a war zone or a sport? I think we can all pretty well agree it is both. We all like to believe we live small unimportant lives of those with illusions of granger want to believe there lives are so small that they are able to go through their day and make there own menial decisions but do we? With every little thing we are force fed it leaves me thinking nothing is a " personal choice" every decision we make is based on some ideal we have which is based upon some show or movie or book we've read or even someone we've seen who even if we hate them still idolise the idea we resent them for something better then ourselves so when do we turn off when do we say I want my own life? Well the truth I've found is theres no such thing as our own lives everything we say or do is based on something or someone else all we can do is pick and choose this shit we eat but as long as you know it's all shit your taking a step in the right direction so for now be you love yourself and enjoy this ride cause we only get one chance and tomorrow never comes be in the now.

Thursday 8 December 2011


First post on my first blog I have filled this thing up a bunch of times trying to figure out if I have anything worth while to say and I finally figure out it doesn't matter because sometimes what's seems to be the most insignificant thing to you could be the most profound life changing experience for someone else I thought alot about this just today, a friend of mine showed me alot of money a few weeks back and he said he hoped it would drive me to want that and become more successful atleast in my own eyes ( atleast that's really what I took from it) but in reality I was like mother fucker nothings going to change and you best watch that money but now as a few weeks have gone by not even realizing it I have worked almost twice as much and longer hours. It's crazy how your subconscious controls you in ways you don't even realize. So as a starter this will be short and sweet I will have typos I will have run on sentences I will put punctuation in the wrong places and I will tell the truth and try to sling some amazing tails.